2. Be respectful
to your teachers. Respect is often a two way street, so if you show them respect they will most likely show you respect as well. If that doesn’t work, then tell your counselor about it, and they can give you the best advice.
3. Try your
best. All anyone can do is try their best. If your teachers are expecting more from you, try talking to them and see if you can get extra help. Communication is key here, and your teachers want you to succeed!
4. Follow the
rules. I know that that following all of Aquinas' rules can be problematic for some, but it will eliminate trouble and run-ins with J.U.Gs and detentions. Try to stick to the rules as best you can, and you will be okay.
5. Go to every event you can. When you look back on your years at Aquinas, you'll want to say that you have had the best high school experience you possibly could have had. Academics are not the only important part to your high school experience; social events and creating and growing relationships are integral parts, too.
by Naquan James
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