Sunday, February 5, 2017

2017 New Year's Resolutions

Now you've probably heard of the usual New Year’s Resolutions; lose weight, spend less money, eat healthier, etc. But I think we can all agree that those are lame. Instead, I've compiled a list of better resolutions for your average teenager.

The Good Thing Notebook
Get a plain covered notebook with a good amount of lined pages. Using markers, design the cover using Zentangles or doodles or whatever you like. Then, on the inside at the end of every day, write everything that went well, made you happy, and just any good thing that happened during the day. It's a good way to start looking on the bright side of life, and when you're having a bad day, you can read back and hopefully it will help you feel better.

The Coin Bottle
Get an empty soda bottle of your favorite kind. Choose one type of coin; dimes, pennies, quarters, nickels.  Then, whenever you get change, take those coins out and put them in the bottle. It's a fun way to save up money, and hey, maybe you could put the total into Jar Wars.

The Memory Box
Grab a shoe box, possibly one of your favorite brand. Then you can choose whether or not to design the box or keep it as is, but make sure to write 2017 on it somewhere. Then fill it with things that you accumulate throughout the year. Fill it with photographs; of your friends and family, of yourself. Add memories, wishes, letters, notes, drawings, doodles, etc. Make it what you want. Then you'll have something to look back on when 2018 comes along.

The Selfie-A-Day Challenge
Everyday for a year, take a selfie in the same spot, if you can. Then, at the end of the year, you can string it into a fast moving slideshow and see how your face has changed over the year. It's okay if you miss a couple days, as long as you don't miss too many.

And don't forget to live a little!

By: Francesca Delaney


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