Monday, November 27, 2017

The Seventh Hour

It was an average Monday morning in the Library of Eastcliff High School when it started. My name is Lucas Patterson, and I am a freshman here at Eastcliff High School with average grades and baseball skills. I have three best friends: Jimmy, Tom, and Jordan that are all freshmen just like me. We were all sitting in the library and we looked around.  Jordan suddenly got up out of his chair across from me and walked toward the bulletin board on the wall. We all then followed him to find an advertisement for this scary theatre performance on the 30th, the night before Halloween. 
"This sounds pretty good," Jordan said. 
"Yeah, I guess," Tom chimed in. 
"We should totally go see it," I said. We all agreed that it was a good idea and we had nothing better to do, since we had the Monday and Tuesday off that week anyway. We went about our average day thinking about what it would be like. All it said on the advertisement was that it would be the fright of your life. 
The next morning, I woke to a bright pink sun shining clearly through the glass window in my room, which comforted me because of my loud alarm blaring in my right ear. I hit the snooze button on my alarm and fell back asleep for ten minutes. Once again, my alarm was blaring in my right ear telling me to get up. I finally listened and got up out of my comfortable bed, changed into my clothes for the day and went downstairs for breakfast. 
My mother saw me coming down the stairs and said to me, "You're up later than usual" from her usual seat at the kitchen table. 
"Yeah, I know," I said. "I snoozed my alarm," I admitted. 
"That's fine," she said in response. 
"Where's dad?" I asked. 
"Taking a shower," she responded 
I put a bagel in the toaster and sat down next to mom. She was finishing up a sudoku puzzle she started yesterday. Puzzle 116 was the name of the puzzle she was doing. The sudoku book had about 250 puzzles in it so she was a little more than half done. I got my bagel from the toaster, ate it, packed my things for school, said bye to mom, and headed out the door to wait for the bus. 
The bus soon arrived and I took a seat next to Jimmy. 
"How's your morning so far?" I asked Jimmy. 
"Pretty good, I guess," He replied. 
We rode the rest of the bus ride chatting about what we thought the show would be about, the one we were waiting so patiently for. We arrived at school to find Tom and Jordan talking quietly about the performance, just like me and Jimmy had on the bus. Jimmy lives 4 houses down from me in our neighborhood, while Tom and Jordan live about half way across town in the same neighborhood. Again, we went about our day, growing impatient, and awaiting the performance. 
For the rest of the week we came up with about every possibility of what the show could be about. 
It was now Monday morning and we planned to all come to my house to meet up before the show. Jimmy arrived first because he lives so close. After Jimmy came in, Tom arrived in the neighborhood. We could see his family’s car out the window. About five minutes after Tom got to my house, Jordan, who always seemed to be late, got to my house. We had made a list last week about all the possibilities of what the performance could be and the names of who came up with them, so we could bet on who had the best ideas.
It was finally time to leave for the performance we had all been waiting for. My mom was super nice when we told her about the show, so she agreed that it would be a good time and that we should go.
We arrived at the address on the flyer. It was on the edge of the creepy part of town but we thought that it would add to the scariness.
We went inside of the building to find flickering lights and some weird type of slime on the ground. We were so excited and creeped out that we just kept walking.
“Is anyone here?” Jordan yelled.
“Maybe we should go,” Jimmy said
“Nah man this is great,” I said
I then received a weird text message that said “Why are you here?????” I didn’t know what to do, so I showed my friends the message; they were very creeped out. All of a sudden, my phone just shut off. I don’t even know how it happened but it did. We walked in silence around the flickering theatre. After walking one full time around the center seating section we decided to try the back room.
“I really think we should go,” Jimmy said once again.
“Come on,” I pleaded. “Let’s just look around a little.”
            We went into the back room to find this gigantic realistic spider tearing apart a man’s body and eating it all in one big gulp. I thought it was a costume so I stood still and let it move a little. Then I realized that it wasn’t a costume; it was actually real. I started running out of the theatre. I swiftly whipped my phone out of my pocket to find that it was still off, so I told my friends to call my mom. I gave them her number and they put it in their phones and called her to pick us up soon. We hid in the alley next to the theatre from the raging spider. It burst out of the side door of the theatre, right next to us, and we ran as fast as we could to get away from the creature. We quickly moved around the corner farther away from the theatre just as my mom picked up on Tom’s phone. He handed the phone to me.
“We finished early, so can you pick us up a soon as possible?” I whispered into the phone.
“I’ll be there as soon as I can,” she replied
“Thank you so much,” I whispered once again.
It took mom 13 painstaking minutes to get to us, and we had that monster to deal with. It was almost as if the monster could sense us because we knew it was getting closer and closer.
“Any ideas?” Jordan whispered to the group.
“Maybe we should hide until your mom gets here,” Tom suggested.
“I knew we never should have come here,” Jordan said. He was rocking back and forth. We told him that we didn’t have a choice now and our only chance was to hide.
We hid for those long 13 minutes in the building next door. It was a small diner but we just needed to wait. We saw mom out the window so we ran to the car as fast as we could.
We brought my friends back to their houses and then I went home myself. We all thought we were safe so we decided not to tell our parents about the incident.
A few years ago, I set up a camera in my room and I thought now would be a good time to turn it on. So, I turned it on and went to sleep.
When I woke up I stopped the camera and took it down. I watched the tape again and again, until I finally saw something peering in my window. It was the giant spider!
To Be Continued!

By: Peter McAuliffe

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Cost of Magic

May 12, 2016

Dear Violet,
      I'm sorry. So so sorry. I have to go. I know you don't understand but I hope that this letter will explain things a bit more.
      Simply put, I am a witch. I don't have a broom or an odd hat. I do have a wand but I rarely use it. Most witches are like me. Our "trademarks" have been forbidden for years. We used to live out in the open until your kind decided that we were "too dangerous". I really can't disagree. Since Salem all magic users have lived in the underground. There we can use and hone our magic. We also learn to cover up the signs of our powers. I am an Illusionist that dabbles in Alchemy.
      My kind is everywhere in your life, Violet. Your trusted police officers are Polygraphs or Hunters. Coroners might be your local Necromancer. Florists and gardeners are Earth mages. Artists are often Illusionists but other types have grown to create as well. You probably don't believe me and I don't blame you. It is hard to have your world view be changed. But we are here. And maybe not for much longer.
      Something is sapping our power. Recently I decided to ask around and rest at a Coven. They were suffering the same effects I am. I went to see a Numerator to try and see if they would divine my future. (I've always found that Numerators were better at that than Diviners.) Their powers were weak but warned of danger. Both that I knew and didn't know.
      I remembered this but wasn't too concerned. I should have been. I feel as though I have had a tail or that a Hunter put a tracking spell on me. Perhaps I am too paranoid.
      I enclosed a necklace for you. It has a disillusionment spell on it. With the necklace you will be able to see magic. Don't touch it unless you are sure you want to see. Go to the bridge on 7th street and underneath it there are beautiful murals. Act normal. I don't know what is after me or if it will come after you.

Best wishes,

May 23, 2016

Dear Violet,
      Have you ever had a feeling that something wasn't right? Places like broken lighthouses, rest stops, and deep in the mountains? That is us. All people connect with magic. Some call it religion or fate.  Some of us can use it. I never cared to learn why. I feel like I should have. Perhaps what is happening would make more sense.
      Deep inside me, I don't believe so though. Feelings. You learn to trust your feelings as a witch. Instinct saves lives. Great motto. It's used with you humans. Think everything's ok, but feel like you are going to be hurt? Get out. Know you did the spell right, but it feels wrong? It's wrong.
      What's my point? I feel that something is terribly wrong. An ancient witch might know what to do. I'm not sure there is even a spell for what is happening. I suppose magic could reject us. I'm taking responsibility for what is happening. I don't want to lose magic and I don't think my people could take the consequence of it. After all, we aren't too much different from you.
      I went to an apothecary to get some potion ingredients. Magic extension potions and things like that. I feel the slow trickle of magic draining from me. Chaos has started to erupt in outside magic towns. Magic gives people control over something, I guess. They can't stand not having it. I'm not sure going to a magic stronghold is a good idea. I would like see how they are dealing though. Most wise magic users avoid strongholds for as long as they can. Trust is an issue in those places.
      Don't go to the sketchy parts of town. (The sketchy feeling is a spell. For both of our races' protection.)
      I am sending these letters by owl. I know it's unconventional especially for an Unconnected like you. Thing is I don't trust your technology. Your people control too much of it. They can see what is said. My feeling says something awful has or will happen. These must be kept a secret between the two of us. Brandy is the owl's name. She will do fine on her own so long as you don't keep her in a cage. I've enchanted Brandy with a spell that prevents anyone from reading what she carries except for the recipient. (Remind me to tell you the story of the first time I preformed that spell.) Our line of communication should be safe.
      I understand you have questions. They need to be answered because I must trust you. Send a letter with Brandy and I will reply as soon as I can.

Stay safe,

May 25, 2016

      Phoenix. I... I didn't believe you. I thought you were insane. No. You are insane. But I guess I'm insane with you to now.
      I didn't touch that necklace for a week. It gave me creepy vibes. Honestly I don't know how you deal with that magic stuff. Sets off the kidnapper alarm. Anyway, I touched it. At my house the first time. Everything looked normal except Brandy glowed. She looked at me like I was normal. (I've been getting weird side eyes from that owl. Teach it manners.) Let me tell you. That necklace went down as fast as I could manage.
      Next day comes. Curiosity killed the cat. I wore some gloves and put the necklace in my bag. 7th street is the definition of sketchy. Until I put that necklace on. Murals jumped out at me.  The air buzzed. I could almost hear the stories those murals told me. I kept walking. That place isn't sketchy. It's beautiful. Why would you hide that? I take the necklace off at night but I keep it on or in my bag during the day. (Don't want to take a chance with the new boss.)
      Now for the floodgate of questions. I know the first few are kind of stupid but still. Are the tooth fairy, the Easter bunny, and Santa real? Are they magic? Can kids connect with magic better? How did that stuff just appear? Are you some kind of super evolved human? How long have witches existed? What types of magic are there? Do bad witches exist? Can they be stopped? What with the "I must trust you" stuff? We are friends. Trust is in that deal. Things aren't that bad, are they?
      Most importantly, are you ok? This loss of magic stuff seems fishy to me. I mean if I was a psycho witch with a vendetta, I might just consider getting rid of magic to spite someone. Maybe. Hypothetically. I'm thinking about what humans (gosh that's weird to say) would do for power. Let me tell you, we do and would do a lot for a taste of power. I trust you and your "instinct" or whatever but be careful. I want to see my friend again. You are headed head first into something big. I don't think either of us know quite what it is yet though.
      Oh! I almost forgot. I haven't felt anything come after me. The necklace puts me on edge and I'm getting used to it. I suppose that could be someone or something but I'm happy to report no attacks on my life. I'd like to keep it that way. And I wish the same for you too.

Best of luck on your insane quest,

By: Rachael Battey

(Not Really) Required Reading, Stargirl

This is a book review like none other. This is a book review with a story. This is a book review that tells a tale of how I met a book like one meets a friend for the first time. This is why this book is required reading (not really). Because I’d like you, dear reader, to meet all my closest and dearest friends. So let us commence.
*          *          *
            I met Stargirl after school in the Aquinas library. I was sitting at a table, dwelling on the fact that I was procrastinating on working on an essay. My eyes wandered as I glanced at the shelves of the Realistic Fiction section nearby. My attention was caught by a book with no title on its bright blue cover. Stargirl, by Jerry Spinelli. I’d seen Stargirl before during various trips to Barnes & Noble in the past, and I’d even read the back cover once, but it either didn’t resonate with me, or I had more important, pressing matters at the time, so I had dropped it back in its place. But now, I needed something to hold my attention (and give me an excuse not to work on that essay), so I decided to give Stargirl a shot.
            I enjoyed the beginning of the book, but I was still wary. I thought that it could still be a typical, dull contemporary fiction novel. I didn’t want to commit to the relationship. After I’d read a few chapters, it was almost closing time at the library. I decided it was probably too late to ask to check out the book, so I reluctantly returned it once more to its shelf and left.
            That night and the next day, I continued to think about Stargirl. It had so much potential. The characters were cute and well-developed, from what I’d read so far. I wanted to know more about their adventures. Finally, I returned to the library 9th period to check out the book. I read Stargirl for the rest of the period, on the bus ride home, and for quite a while when I arrived home. I finished it that afternoon. Once I’d committed to reading it, I found it was difficult to put it down until it was over.
I was mesmerized by the main character, Stargirl herself. Stargirl is, in fact, her real name. She has been homeschooled her whole life until she enrolls in a small town high school in Arizona and nothing is ever the same. She dresses oddly and doesn’t seem to notice the stares. She participates in class when no one else will. She brings her pet rat to all her classes in a big bag with a sunflower on it. She does what she wants, which is usually completely contrary to the norm, the mold that all the other students squeeze themselves into. She leaves a trail of wonderment and bafflement wherever she goes.
Stargirl cares about people. It seems that everything she does is for someone else’s delight and benefit. Every time someone in the school has a birthday, Stargirl strums her iconic ukulele and sings to them right in the middle of the school cafeteria. She leaves a treat on every student’s desk each holiday. She makes cards for the lonely. She leaves change on the ground for children to find. She is a fresh breath of purity and wholesomeness in her stale, ordinary community. No matter what challenges Stargirl faces, she always keeps that spirit of kindness alive in her heart.
I became attached to Stargirl right away. In a way, I look up to her as a role model. She is the image of everything I’d like to be in my own life: compassionate, intelligent, talented, and real. Even though our acquaintance was brief for the short time I read her story, I know she will remain a life-long friend. Stargirl has changed the way I look at those who are different from me. Now, I’m becoming a little less afraid of what others might think of me, and a little more accepting of others who probably share my desire to be included and accepted.

I’d like very much for you to meet Stargirl. And who knows, she might even change your life, too.

By: Maggie McAuliffe

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Delicious Red Velvet Cupcakes

6 Red Velvet Cupcakes



1/4 cup unsalted butter, softened
3 tbsp granulated sugar
3 tbsp light brown sugar
1 egg
2 tbsp cocoa powder
1 tbsp red liquid food color
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/3 cup sour cream
3/4 cup all purpose flour
1/4 tsp white distilled vinegar
1/4 tsp baking soda


6oz cream cheese, softened
2 tbsp unsalted butter, softened
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
3 cups powdered sugar

Preheat oven to 350°F. Line a cupcake pan with 6 liners.

In a large bowl or stand mixer, cream together butter and sugars. Mix in egg until batter is smooth. Add cocoa powder, vanilla and red food color. Continue mixing, scraping bowl as needed. Add salt, baking powder and sour cream, mixing until just incorporated. Add flour, mixing until no streaks remain. Finally, combine vinegar and baking soda in a small bowl. 

Immediately add to batter and mix in.

Divide batter equally among prepared liners, using one large cookie scoop per.

Bake for 18-20 minutes or until cupcakes are set and a toothpick inserted comes out clean. 

Cool on a wire rack.

In a large bowl, beat together cream cheese and butter. Mix in vanilla and slowly incorporate powdered sugar until smooth. Transfer mixture to a piping bag with with desired tip. Frost cooled cupcakes.

Store in an airtight container or refrigerator for up to several days.

By: Rachael Battey

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Did Somebody Say Improv?

Improv club usually takes place every last day of the school week in the chorus room. Because of all the days off, it’s hard to make it a certain day. For those of you that do not know, improv, short for improvisation, is when you are given a scenario and you have to come up with something to act out and say. Sometimes it comes out so random that it is just so funny. When you witness the hilariousness that comes from improv it makes you (or at least me) just want to come back every week to hear and participate in this funny and amazing club. Improv club has already had one performance this school year and will have another one before the year comes to a close. I really do encourage you to come out to improv in the chorus room for at least one day (don’t worry; you don’t have to preform).

By: Peter McAuliffe

Monday, April 17, 2017

What's Your Favorite Thing About Yourself?

“What’s your favorite thing about yourself?”

I’m sure many people have never considered the question, “what’s your favorite thing about yourself?” Maybe there’s no need to ask; it’s just a subconscious knowledge you don’t need to ponder. Maybe you have been suffering with self-esteem problems and can’t wrap your mind around the idea of having a favorite thing about yourself. Maybe you don’t want to think about yourself in that way because your humility is too prominent. Maybe you can’t pick just one thing. Whatever the reason, I firmly believe it’s very imperative to know the goodness in yourself.

“My confidence”
The first person I asked this question to, thought about it for a moment, then decided fairly quickly. This friend of mine has been on stage and performing for a very long time so I can understand this viewpoint of hers. However, when she’s not onstage, I’ve noticed that she still holds herself with confidence and I acknowledge that quality about her. I’m glad she knows it too.

“I don’t know”
The next person I asked could not come up with an answer for this question. If given the right amount of time, I’m sure she could find out what she likes most about herself but at that given moment, she hadn’t had much thought about it. However, I know that she is very hardworking and I appreciate that about her whether she knows it or not.

 “…I’m imaginative… I can absolutely lose myself in daydreams and build them into stories…”
This person that I asked was more specific in the certain area that he liked most. He is a writer so it’s understandable that this skill can help to give him more experience in what he likes to do best. Often, a favorite element such as this can really indicate what a person is passionate about and what they should pursue in study or career. I know he is a stunningly talented writer and genuinely good person with a bright future of his own.

 “My free will”
The next person I asked responded quickly. He seemed to be prepared for this question as if he had thought seriously about it before. This simple yet deep answer is very fitting for this person as I also view him as a free spirit. He is respectful and well-mannered because he chooses to be and he’s curious about the things that truly interest him. His answer is very true for his knowledge of himself and his understanding of the world around him.

 “…My mind is very independent… I don’t need much validation…”
Yes, this is my favorite thing about myself. In a way, it’s all I need. With this knowledge of myself, I often accept things for my very experience of them. When I’m feeling sad, I accept that that’s the way it is currently and I trust it’ll get better soon. If I’m happy, I don’t need anyone to remind me to “live in the moment” because I already am. If I’m feeling badly about myself (grades, appearance, friends) I remind myself of times when I was happy and realize that this low streak is only temporary. If I’m feeling good about myself, I take note of it for myself, even if nobody else validates me. This is very important to the standard I hold myself to.

These example are only the first response to this question. Yet, in a way, they are the most pure response because they haven’t over-thought the question, to a point where all their responses could make the true answer foggy. If you haven’t given this a thought before, find your pure answer, however possible.

“What is your favorite thing about yourself?”

By: Katie McAuliffe

Idioms From An Idiot, Part II

Even after my first informative article on this subject, you may still find several common idioms bamboozling your brain cells. However, fear not. I, Master of All Knowledgeable Things Ever, shall once again explain to you the meanings of commonly misunderstood figures of speech to enlighten your mind.
            It is a well-known fact that children possess more intellect and instinct than adult humans will ever know. Human infants are born with the innate knowledge that sucking on one’s own foot is not only a great way to clean it, but an everlasting source of entertainment. However, as humans mature, they are conditioned to view this behavior as inappropriate in sophisticated circles of adults. This is why they compare the act of saying something immature to putting one’s foot in one’s mouth, and view both of these activities in a negative light. However, it can also be used as an indicator of true friendship in one’s acquaintances; if your friend lets you physically put your own foot in your own mouth to amuse yourself and accepts you for your wisdom, you’ll know that he or she is a keeper.

                        When someone says that they are in a pickle, most people interpret that to mean that they are in a difficult situation. However, in the year 4000 BCE, “in a pickle” was the highest compliment one could receive. Pickles were invented around this time, and were considered a great delicacy. The longer the cucumber was pickled, the greater its intensity; therefore, being in a pickle means that you are an intensely zealous and enthusiastic person.

            In ages past, there once existed an ancient city known as South Bork, located in the north regions of West Middle East. The city of South Bork was the cultural and scientific center of the world. It was so advanced that it has been said that the city’s lead scientists were on the verge of discovering why some humans have allergies to domesticated pet fur. They had huge laboratories full of thousands of well-kept and well-fed cats and dogs. Unfortunately, the Great Laboratory was destroyed in the largest flood the city of South Bork had ever seen. The population was decimated, the buildings were levelled, and although not many humans survived the disaster, not a single animal perished. The survivors told tales of how, amidst their fear and terror, they watched as the test animals doggie-paddled to safety. Therefore, when someone says that it is raining cats and dogs, they mean to tell you that although the apocalypse is approaching, you should look for the positive side in the disaster.

            If you have ever heard anyone use this idiom in reference to you, I am so sorry. I, Master of All Knowledgeable Things Ever (which include medicine), regret to inform you that you have contracted a rare and serious disease. Magnisoculis is categorized by an uncontrolled growth of the eyes coupled with a proportionate shrinking of the stomach. There is currently no known cause or cure for this terrible, chronic disease. People who have been afflicted for years are plagued with tiny appetites and increased night vision. Eventually, a person with magnisoculis will progress until his stomach can hold no more than a pea, and until his eyes are the size of saucers. At this stage, patients prefer to stay out of sight of the public for fear of scaring others with their grotesque appearance. If you would like more information on magnisoculis and how to raise awareness for this dreadful malady, please visit this entirely real website:

             Charles Phillip Edward Bartholomew III was the most famous racehorse of all time. If you have never heard of him, shame on you. He won the Kentucky Derby in 1874, and since then, his fame has stretched through the centuries. He became so famous that the press would not leave him alone, he had to attend several banquets and ceremonies every day. Soon, after about twelve years of this, Charles grew weary of his life in the limelight. He longed for his younger days when he could frolic in the green meadows and enjoy a cool drink with his friends on a Sunday afternoon. Therefore, he began to take a casual name, Charlie, in order to leave behind his prestigious pedigree. To this day, Charles Phillip Edward Bartholomew III still goes by Charlie (and actually will grow quite angry if you call him by his given name). This idiom is applicable to a person who rejects his or her fame to live a life of simple pleasures.

            I am sure that this educational piece has been very educational in educating you about education. Now you have even more items in your idiomatic arsenal to display with pride through your expansive and nearly boundless vocabulary. You are one step closer to becoming a Master of All Knowledgeable Things Ever. Go out into the world now and wield your idioms proudly.

By: the Master of All Knowledgeable Things Ever

Friday, April 14, 2017

How To Go To A Concert

Have you ever wanted to see your favorite band live but don’t know where to begin? Has it been awhile since you’ve gone to a concert? Here are some tips and tricks for the next time you plan on attending one by an experienced concert attendee.

Step 1: Getting Tickets

Getting tickets to a concert can be a challenge. They can sell out quickly because of pre-sales and be hard to find. First and foremost, you should figure out when they go on sale and on what websites (if you have options, I recommend ticketmaster).  Now pre-sales can make or break how good your seats are, so if you plan on investing into some good ones, look up presale codes for the concert you want to attend, and remember to type it in to get your tickets. Look up a seating chart of the venue you are going to see the concert in as well. Websites are always vague about where the seats are. But wait! My website says general admission! What the heck is that? General admission means there are no seats. It is first come first serve so if you want to be close to the artist, plan on showing up at least an hour early. Depending on the venue you can be smushed and sweating (yes sweating) with a couple thousand people on a floor or spread out on a lawn behind the actual seats (which can still be an awesome experience). Buying tickets online requires a credit card, debit card, or sometimes a PayPal account so be prepared with your account information. When you purchase them, print them out. Keeping them just on your phone can be risky if for some reason your phone breaks. If you want to get them in the mail, there is a chance they can get lost in it. Keep your tickets in a safe place and write down that place a couple of times if you are forgetful.

Step 2: What to Wear

The most important thing about your clothing is that it is something you feel happy and comfortable in. You shouldn’t have to dial down your wardrobe for a concert and should express yourself the way you feel is right. A concert should be a time to embrace who you are, not hide it for the sake of fitting in. Wear a shirt you don’t normally wear, try a new makeup look, fix your hair differently, do what you feel is right. But if you want some more in depth guidance, you should know your venue first. If it is outdoors, consider bringing a jacket because it can get cold. If it is indoors, dress in as light clothes as possible. Make sure whatever you are wearing is something you are comfortable in. If you know your new shirt constantly rides up the wrong way so you have to fix it, don’t wear it, it will definitely take away from the experience. If your concert is general admission, do not wear sandals unless you’re okay with getting your toes stepped on for the entirety of the concert. Otherwise, I would wear sandals, not flip flops; those can be a hazard. I suggest genuine sandals to an outdoor concert for the sake of comfort in the heat. Do a little research and read up on the experiences people have of concerts with the artist you are seeing. Search “-Artist name- concert experience” into YouTube or Google and see what pops up.  Some artists promote dressing up more extravagantly and others may be more chill.

Step 3: What to Bring

Recently, there has been efforts to heighten security at concerts for safety purposes, so venues can be strict on what you bring in. I would look on the venue’s website first to see what they allow and don’t allow. If the rules are not clear, here are some general tips. Try to pack lightly and not bring any large bags or purses if it is possible. They will most likely need to be searched and it can be time consuming and it can anger the security personnel. Leave your pocket knife or any other thing that could be dangerous at home; they will confiscate it. Do not bring bottled water unless it is sealed. Some security personnel won’t even let sealed bottled water in so be aware. Do bring a phone charger and a portable charger. Your phone can die quickly which is never good. Do bring a small camera if you have one. I have a small camera (that I got for Christmas a few years ago) that can fit easily into my purse that I use to get a couple good quality pictures of the artist I am seeing. However, I turn off the flash and only use it a few times because enjoying the show is most important. Do bring some gum and painkillers. Sometimes you need to freshen your breath a little and you don’t want a headache (since medical areas can be cumbersome to locate).

Step 4: What to do at the Concert

First of all I highly recommend arriving to the venue an hour early. This may seem excessive to some, but with the heightened security at concerts these days, it can take a long time to get into the venue. The show won’t wait for you so the closer you are to the entrance, the better your chances of getting in on time are. Next I recommend buying some piece of merch. Yes, it is overpriced but having a piece of concert memorabilia is something special that you will appreciate dishing your money out for in the future. Now, find your seats and make sure you keep your ticket somewhere safe. It is the easiest way for an usher to help you find your seat and lets them know that you are in there legally. As soon as you know where your seats are it is a lot easier to find bathrooms, etc. Finally enjoy the concert. Have fun and live in the moment, not through your cellphone; you’ll have more fun. Post a few snapchats here and there but don’t let it consume you; after all you paid for those tickets, not the people who have you on snapchat. 

By: Evelyn Sims

Moana, Movie Review

Last November, Disney came out with their newest “princess” movie, called Moana. However, she is not a princess and the plot deviates from a classic princess story. Yet it is a fun and adventurous tale.

The story follows Moana (voiced by Auli'i Cravalho), the chief’s daughter from an island called Motunui in the South Pacific. She is drawn to the ocean and wants to sail, but it is forbidden to go beyond the reef. Without spoiling too much, she ends up meeting Maui, a demigod (voiced by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson) and they have to travel across the ocean to restore the heart of Te Fiti and bring life back to the islands before it is too late. They encounter many interesting characters along the way as well as challenges they must overcome. There is quite an interesting plot twist at the end, which I won’t spoil, but I will say that I did not see it coming.

The animation in this film was beautiful. From the ocean water to the lovely creatures to the sometimes quirky character design, it was a perfect blend. The music was also amazing, with Lin-Manuel Miranda of Hamilton writing lyrics and music for some of the songs, including the Oscar-nominated “How Far I’ll Go”. This was an epic song with beautiful vocals, in my opinion, outshining “Let It Go” from Frozen. Some have complained about Dwayne Johnson’s vocal performance in the song “You’re Welcome” and feel that he should have been dubbed with someone who could sing better. However, I thought that his performance fit the character and it didn’t need a better voice in order to be good. His voice drew us in with his comical performance along with the animation, which was energetic and amusing. The Polynesian-inspired music was also a nice touch to the aesthetic and tone of the film.

Overall, I thought Moana was a good movie with outstanding music and an interesting story perfect for a family movie night.

By: Francesca Delaney

Sunday, February 5, 2017

2017 New Year's Resolutions

Now you've probably heard of the usual New Year’s Resolutions; lose weight, spend less money, eat healthier, etc. But I think we can all agree that those are lame. Instead, I've compiled a list of better resolutions for your average teenager.

The Good Thing Notebook
Get a plain covered notebook with a good amount of lined pages. Using markers, design the cover using Zentangles or doodles or whatever you like. Then, on the inside at the end of every day, write everything that went well, made you happy, and just any good thing that happened during the day. It's a good way to start looking on the bright side of life, and when you're having a bad day, you can read back and hopefully it will help you feel better.

The Coin Bottle
Get an empty soda bottle of your favorite kind. Choose one type of coin; dimes, pennies, quarters, nickels.  Then, whenever you get change, take those coins out and put them in the bottle. It's a fun way to save up money, and hey, maybe you could put the total into Jar Wars.

The Memory Box
Grab a shoe box, possibly one of your favorite brand. Then you can choose whether or not to design the box or keep it as is, but make sure to write 2017 on it somewhere. Then fill it with things that you accumulate throughout the year. Fill it with photographs; of your friends and family, of yourself. Add memories, wishes, letters, notes, drawings, doodles, etc. Make it what you want. Then you'll have something to look back on when 2018 comes along.

The Selfie-A-Day Challenge
Everyday for a year, take a selfie in the same spot, if you can. Then, at the end of the year, you can string it into a fast moving slideshow and see how your face has changed over the year. It's okay if you miss a couple days, as long as you don't miss too many.

And don't forget to live a little!

By: Francesca Delaney

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Idioms From An Idiot

Many expressions in the English language are baffling. People say one thing when they mean something else, completely unrelated. However, do not fret. I, the Master of All Knowledgeable Things Ever, shall explain to you the meanings to commonly misunderstood figures of speech to enlighten your mind.

            This idiom is quite puzzling. Most humans do not consume these flamboyant winged insects of their own free will. The expression, “to have butterflies in your stomach,” clearly means you are not in your right mind. You are either being blackmailed by a dangerous master criminal who will hurt those you love if you do not comply to consuming butterflies daily, or you are desperate because conventional medicinal techniques have not alleviated your chronic indigestion, or you are blind and therefore unaware of the fact that you have managed to swallow several butterflies while breathing. Either way, it is best to stay away from those who have butterflies imprisoned in their intestines.

            The image of the white elephant is both perplexing and admittedly pale in color. This phrase originated among the people of an ancient society, called the Loxodontas. They believe that the elephant is the symbol of grace and perfection. Each member of the Loxodontan society receives an elephant figurine at birth. As they progress through the levels of full initiation, their elephant is painted or recolored to represent each level of maturity. Passing through many colors, such as lavender, chartreuse, spiceberry, periwinkle, and gingerline, the highest stage of elephant enlightenment is finally reached at white. Therefore, in today’s world, receiving a “white elephant” from someone means that they highly value your intellect and spiritual capacity, just as the Loxodontan chiefs of old.

The expression “break a leg” is commonly used to wish a person luck in an endeavor that they are about to undertake. It is a little known fact that this phrase originated in the days of the Great War of the Bees (circa 3000 BCE), where all human males of fighting age from all civilized societies around the world were called to arms to defeat the massive swarms of bees that were invading their homes in this world-wide pandemic. Fighting conditions were atrocious, as nearly every soldier was stung several times a day. Soldiers had to be in a state of perfect mental and physical health before they could be drafted for direct service. Many families dreaded to have their loved ones endure such suffering, so they intentionally broke the legs of their soldier candidates before sending them off to be inspected at their local town hall. This was a wish of good luck, so that the poor men would not have to face the wrath of bees every day of their lives for several years. If someone in today’s world tells you to break a leg, it means that you should maim your family members’ legs for your noble, pacifist ideals.

            At first, it may seem silly that a person would desire to strike the asphalt beneath which human beings drive their cars innocently every day. Fortunately, I am here to educate the unsophisticated masses. Unbeknownst to the public, the United States government has buried thousands of puppies beneath public highways all across the country. Animal lovers from all over the world flock to roads in order to claim a young canine pet for their own. Sadly, they are all considered to be bonkers, as critics claim there is no way for the young pups to survive so long without human contact or a basic daily nutrition source. Nevertheless, those who still believe say that they shall “hit the road” when they return to their never-ending task of searching for those puppies.

            Does this cake look delicious? That’s exactly what those who “take the cake” think too. The expression “take the cake” refers to someone who is a kleptomaniac, but only for edible items. Whenever he or she sees a delicious-looking food, he or she cannot help but steal it. Cake-stealing is a serious medical condition. Those who take cakes on a regular basis can only be corrected through therapy and medication to lessen their impulsive thievery. However, cake thieves are not bad people. They often try to fight their instincts, but are simply unable to control themselves. Therefore, do not assume that cake thieves are bad people until you have met and shared a meal (maybe of cake?) with them.

            I know that this informative piece has been very informative in informing you about information. Now that you know how all these idioms should be correctly used, feel free to say them to your friends and family. Soon, you may even become a Master of All Knowledgeable Things Ever (just like me). Go out into the world now and wield your idioms proudly.

By: the Master of All Knowledgeable Things Ever