Thursday, April 20, 2017

Did Somebody Say Improv?

Improv club usually takes place every last day of the school week in the chorus room. Because of all the days off, it’s hard to make it a certain day. For those of you that do not know, improv, short for improvisation, is when you are given a scenario and you have to come up with something to act out and say. Sometimes it comes out so random that it is just so funny. When you witness the hilariousness that comes from improv it makes you (or at least me) just want to come back every week to hear and participate in this funny and amazing club. Improv club has already had one performance this school year and will have another one before the year comes to a close. I really do encourage you to come out to improv in the chorus room for at least one day (don’t worry; you don’t have to preform).

By: Peter McAuliffe


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