Saturday, May 21, 2016

What Grinds My Gears: Never Reaching the Stars

       My AP Literature class ponders space, the impermanence of things and the loneliness of it all. It fired up the dream I would look toward: to go to space and to the stars. Yet as I have grown older, it has dawned on me that I most likely will never leave this rock we call home.
That will not stop me from wondering what lies beyond us- the stars that will never be reached and the planets which we might one day claim as our own. However, at this point all we can do is see, speculate and dream. We are in the dawn of a new age yet we may never see great bands of humans leaving the surly bonds of Earth until we are long gone.
       Now we stand in the road to progress and to a brighter future with companies like Space X leading the way. If we survive long enough, who knows it might be "All Hail to the Future Galactic Empire."

by: Joseph Pham 


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