One day Spot
woke up, and felt like it was going to be a great day. “I feel like today will
be a great day,” said Spot. He got out of his fish bed, made it, and then went down
to get breakfast. He soon found his dad, Jimmy, making breakfast. “Hey dad,
what’s cookin’?” said Spot. “Just a little thing I like to call ‘algae
soufflé.’” Spot said, “That sounds amazing dad.” Then Jimmy said, “I’ve been
working on perfecting it because I know you like it.” In response to that, Spot
said, “Aw thanks dad,” and Jimmy said, “Don’t mention it Spot.”
eating, Jimmy and Spot went out to find food for lunch. On their search they
found some food, and went back to cook it. When they got back Spots mom was
awake. Spot’s mom’s name was Sandrine. “Hi mom,” Spot said. “Good morning Spot,”
Sandrine said. They ate lunch and then Spot went to hang out with his friends.
After hanging out with his friends Spot went home to find dinner already made.
Then Spot ate dinner with his family, said goodnight, and went to bed.
The rest of
Spot’s life was mostly the same.
By: Peter McAuliffe
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