Friday, February 26, 2016

Study Tips for A New Semester

Break is over, and now a new semester has begun. Here are some study tips for second semester to get you started on the right track.

1.       Stay organized! If a teacher asks you to pull out a paper from last week, you should be able to do so in twenty seconds or less. Organization is key. Find a system that works for you and stick to it! I suggest color coding for each class, storing your materials in order of your classes in your locker, having a separate folder and notebook for each class, and having a homework trapper/folder. Keeping things organized and neat will make things much easier when it comes to studying for that unit test you’re dreading.

2.      Write things down! Use your agenda. Writing things down makes it much easier to keep track of what needs to get done. You can use the one Aquinas gives out at the beginning of each year, or you can go to Office Max or Target and buy your own. also sells custom made planners if you’re feeling fancy. I suggest that you write down every homework assignment you receive (and put any homework materials in your homework folder!) Writing your assignments in order of your classes can also help. Use a highlighter to differentiate tests from written homework assignments. You can also use a different color pen to specify long term assignments. As an added bonus, you can cross off your assignments as you complete them, which is very satisfying.

3.      Don’t just mindlessly copy notes. This tip pertains mostly to classes centered on PowerPoint presentations. Try to read over each slide of notes before writing them down if time allows. Ask yourself, “Do I already know this information?” If you do, shorten those notes because there’s no reason to take lengthy notes on material you already know. Make your notes yours: that way studying will be a breeze.

4.      Plan things out. At the beginning of the week look at what needs to get done in terms of long term assignments, and then break those tasks up. Completing small sections of big projects everyday will allow you to balance your short and long term assignments. Of course, there will be days when you’re slammed with homework that’s due the next day which might throw off your schedule. Just readjust your plan and carry on as usual
5.   Stay motivated. It's very easy to lose your drive toward the end of the year which can be detrimental because finals are around this time. Use positive reinforcement. After you complete 10 pages of textbook reading, give yourself a five minute break. Try alternating subjects when doing large assignments that can be broken up. I've found that doing 20 minutes of one subject and then 20 minutes of another subject, switching back and forth, does not cause as much fatigue as studying one subject for 40 minutes straight. If you plan to study for a long period of time, make sure to schedule in break periods after certain tasks are completed. This way, you will stay motivated and avoid taking excessive breaks.
Hopefully these tips will make your second semester a little bit easier. If you’re looking for more tips, there are multiple blogs on that offer great advice on studying, note taking, and general ways to increase productivity. Check out the tag “studyblr” and “study” on tumblr and you’re bound to find something good. Remember, the more work you put in now with organization and notes, the less work you'll have to do before finals.

by: Lina Clifford


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