Reading is an integral part of the English language arts curriculum here are
Aquinas. Among the required Independent Reading books for AP Literature, The Bell Jar, by Sylvia Plath, has been my
favorite. Though I have yet to read every novel on the list, I’m confident this
novel will remain my favorite. The Bell Jar emerges on the top of my list
with ease, especially when compared to the other independent reading books which
include Moby Dick and A Doll’s House. Plath writes a
semi-autobiographical story about collegian Esther Greenwood’s struggles with
severe depression and how she attempts to cope. The mysterious ending hangs
over the head of the reader for some time as he or she wonders what will happen
next to Esther. Plath’s writing style seems to be all over the place,
paralleling the thoughts of Esther’s mind. Despite the publication date of
1963, Esther’s feelings as a young person are sentiments that people fear nowadays,
but yet still relate to. These elements make The Bell Jar an enjoyable read that I highly recommend.
by: Victoria Wilson
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